My Fish !!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

aaaaaaaaaaa..... facebook !!!!!!!!!!
how to delete it !!!!!!!!!!

Facebook like a virus ..
once open ..
cannot be stop ..

now my assignment slow jor ...

facebook ........

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nat 'King' Cole - L-O-V-E

L- is for the way you look at me .
O- is for the only one I see .
V- is very , very extraordinary .
E- is even more than anyone that you adore can .

Love is all that I can give to you .
Love is more than just a game for two .
Two in love can make it .
Take my heart and please don't break it .
Love was made for me and you .


L- is for the way you look at me .
O- is for the only one I see .
V- is very , very extraordinary .
E- is even more than anyone that you adore can .

Love is all that I can give to you .
Love is more than just a game for two .
Two in love can make it .
Take my heart and please don't break it .
Love was made for me and you .
Love was made for me and you .
Love was made for me and you ...

^_^ enjoy

link => LOVE

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Early CNY ~ XD

My Ang Boa Design !!!! XD

is a ang gu kua ~ XD

Comment are welcome ~ XD

Saturday, October 10, 2009


why DAN so sienz de ..

no club , no outdoor , nothing but ED ..

haiz .. before still got BSC a ~ now also hilang de ~


haiz .. some event also dun have ..
so bored ..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Secret to Be Told ..

i have a secret ...
and need to be told ...
but who ...
who can I tell ...
who can I share ...
who can I trust ...




The nervous system is a network of specialized cells that communicate information about an organism's surroundings and itself. It processes this information and causes reactions in other parts of the body. It is composed of neurons and other specialized cells calledglial cells (plural form glia) that aid in the function of the neurons. The nervous system is divided broadly into two categories: the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. Neurons generate and conduct impulses between and within the two systems. The peripheral nervous system is composed of sensory neurons and the neurons that connect them to the nerve cord, spinal cord and brain, which make up the central nervous system. In response to stimuli, sensory neurons generate and propagate signals to the central nervous system which then processes and conducts signals back to the muscles and glands. The neurons of the nervous systems of animals are interconnected in complex arrangements and use electrochemical signals and neurotransmitters to transmit impulses from one neuron to the next. The interaction of the different neurons form neural circuits regulate an organism's perception of the world and what is going on with its body, thus regulating its behavior. Nervous systems are found in many multicellular animals but differ greatly in complexity between species

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tag Game .. OH NO !!!

My first Blogging Tag .. got Tag by Miss~w~ XD
she very sweet and nice girl oh ~ XD

個 人 題 - 10 題~

01) 你叫什么 : Toh Hung Ren
02) 你的綽號 : Ron , Panda , LaPanda , LaPandaRon ..
03) 你的血型 : a ? b ? c ? d ? AB la ~
04) 你的星座 : Sagittarius
05) 你是男還是女 : Male , Man , Boy ..
06) 你幾歲 : 20
07) 你住哪裡: Malaysia , KL
08) 你現在的學校 : Dasein Academy of Art
09) 你有沒有手機 : Ya ~ W880i ~ Rock On !!
10) Contact list 有多少个人 : 200++

朋 友 題 - 10 題~

11) 你最要好的朋友(限1個): Tiffany , Kaffy
12) 你最討厭的人(限1個): Tiffany , Kaffy
(Error 13-20)

情 題 - 10 題~

21) 你有沒有喜歡的人 : Ya ..
24) 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過 : no ..
25) 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過 : ya .. puppy love ..
26) 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友 : 1
27) 現在有另一半嗎 : no ..
28) 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣 : not sure , Not happen to me b4 ..
29) 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : Let go the pass , keep moving forward ..
30) 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人 : she has a great heart , amazing smile and very strong in live style ..
31) 你和另一半牽手過嗎 : no ..
32) 你和另一半抱或親過嗎 : no ..
33) 你跟異性牽手過嗎 : no..
34) 是誰,你們什麼關係?: nothing..
35) 現在有人在追你嗎 : no..

混 合 題 - 10 題~

36) 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣 : nothing to say..
37) 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會 : Whatever..
38) 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會 : Whatever..
39) 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎 : try it before .. will happen again ..
40) 你上課認真嗎 : yes..
41) 你功課好不好 : not so good , not so bad ..
42) 你开电腦都在幹麻 : Msn, Facebook, Plurk, Youtube, Blogspot..
43) 你的即时通有多少个同性 : none
44) 你的即時通裡有多少個異性 :none

兇 手 題 - 10 題~

45) 傳給你這份問卷的人是谁: Miss ~w~
46) 这個人對你好不好: very nice..
47) 這個人是你的誰: Facebook..
48) 你有喜歡過這個人吗? : Ya..she very sweet and nice..
49) 你們認識多久了: 3week ++ ??
50) 這個人是怎樣的人 : sweet,nice,petty,funny..
51) 这个人正/帥嗎 : not sure.. XD
52) 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过 : nope..
53) 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办 : not sure..havent meet before.. XD

聯 想 題 - 10 ~

56) 說到正妹你會想到誰 : no body..
57) 說到帥哥你會想到誰 : Andy Lau
58) 說到憨你會想到誰 : Ah-b
59) 說到痴你會想到誰 : Ah-b
60) 說到暗戀你會想到誰 : Ah-b...
61) 說到出去玩你會想到誰 : anyone.. that i like..

62) 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰 : Me.
63) 說到傻子你會想到誰 : You.
64) 說到笑點低你會想到誰 : She.
65) 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : Her.

學 校 題 - 11 題~

66) 你的班導是誰 : dun know..
67) 你的座位是第幾排第幾個 : Diff class diff sets ..
68) 你最喜歡的老師是誰 : Mis.Min
70) 你的英文好嗎: So far so Good.
71) 你的體育好嗎: not really..
72) 你的数学好么: normal..
73) 你喜不喜歡你的校長: still ok..
74) 你的學校好看嗎: very nice .. but only too small ..
75) 你的班級是 : not all the same..
76) 你的班級在幾樓 : not all the same..

bla bla bla ..

You've been tagged !!!

1. 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。
2. 請老實的回答每一個問題。
3. 不行擅自塗改題目。
4. 點完後請通知那10位朋友他被點到了。

由于我遭殃了所以朋友也遭殃咯!! ^0^


Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, sadness, and disgust. Jealousy differs from envy in that jealousy is about something one has and is afraid of losing, while envy refers to something one does not have and either wants to acquire or to prevent another from acquiring.

i got this feeling now ...